Prognoza eksportu i rynku imbiru w Chinach

1. Export market review
In August 2021, the price of ginger export did not improve, and it was still lower than that of last month. Although the receipt of orders is acceptable, due to the impact of delayed shipping schedule, there is more time for centralized export transportation every month, while the shipment volume at other times is relatively general. Therefore, the purchase of processing plants is still based on demand. At present, the quotation of fresh ginger (100g) in the Middle East is about USD 590 / ton FOB; The quotation of American fresh ginger (150g) is about USD 670 / ton FOB; The price of air dried ginger is about US $950 / ton FOB.
2. Export impact
Since the global public health incident, sea freight has soared, and the export cost of ginger has increased. After June, the international sea freight continued to rise. Some shipping companies announced to increase the sea freight, resulting in relative delay in the timeliness of goods, container detention, port congestion, container shortage and difficult to find positions. The export transportation industry is facing great challenges. Due to the continuous rise of sea freight, shortage of container supply, delay of shipping schedule, strict quarantine work and transportation Due to the shortage of loading and unloading staff, the overall transportation time has been prolonged. Therefore, this year, the export processing plant has not taken a large number of actions to prepare goods during procurement, and has always maintained the delivery strategy of purchasing goods on demand. Therefore, the boosting effect on the price of ginger is relatively limited.
After several days of falling prices, sellers have had some resistance to selling goods, and the supply of goods may decrease in the near future. However, at present, the remaining supply of goods in the main production areas is still sufficient, and there is no sign of increase in procurement in the wholesale market, so the delivery of goods may still be stable, In terms of price, there is no lack of possibility that the price will rise slightly due to the supply of goods.
3. Market analysis and prospect in the 39th week of 2021
Export processing plants: at present, the export processing plants have few orders and limited demand. They choose more suitable sources of goods for procurement. It is expected that there is little possibility of a significant increase in export demand next week, and the transaction may remain normal. The sea freight is still in a high position. In addition, the shipping schedule is delayed from time to time. There are only a few days of centralized delivery a month, and the export processing plant just needs replenishment.
Domestic wholesale markets: the trading atmosphere of each wholesale market is general, the goods in the sales area are not fast, and the trading is not very good. If the market in the production area continues to be weak next week, the price of ginger in the sales area may follow the decline again, and it is unlikely that the trading volume will increase significantly. The digestion speed of the market in the sales area is average. Affected by the continuous price drop in the production area, most vendors buy as they sell, and there is no plan to store a lot of goods for the time being.
Analysts expect that with the approach of the new ginger harvest period, farmers’ willingness to sell goods will gradually increase. It is expected that the supply of goods will remain abundant next week, and there is little possibility of price rise. Less than one month after the listing of new ginger, farmers began to Teng cellars and pour wells one after another, their enthusiasm for selling goods increased, and the supply of goods increased.
Source: LLF marketing department

Post time: Oct-07-2021

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